JOHN TITOR, viaggi nel tempo ? O.o

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view post Posted on 11/1/2005, 00:03 by: kaekko

Advanced Member



Alcuni giorni dopo le elezioni su vari forum, siti e giornali hanno iniziato a parlare di possibili brogli da parte di Bush.
Questi sono i link presenti su http://www.disinformazione.it:

Queste le relative fonti:

Se vuoi informarti bene sull'argomento ti consiglio di leggerre i link presenti nelle fonti.

Una americana ha girato un documentario sull'argomento. Il film può essere scaricato in versione ridotta (15-30 minuti). Il nome del file è: votergatethemovie_256kb.mov
Su alcuni siti (tra cui quello di Michael Moore) alcuni americani hanno scritto le seguenti cose:

Another Unfortunate Situation In Florida
There are new touch-screen devices to count our votes in Florida now. A friend of mine went to the polls this morning and voted for Kerry. When she finished, she opted to review her votes. To her surprise, the review stated that she had "voted" for Bush. When my friend confronted someone about the discrepancy the woman replied, "Yeah the new touch screens are very sensitive." If you are voting in Florida, please review your balot...let's not let this happen again!!!
Lindsay LaVelle
2004-11-02 - 11:27:10

touch screens
While voting in Cape Coral at a nursing home, I selected Kerry just like the person in Port Charlotte and after reviewing my vote I too noticed that it, not me, selected Bush. If the touch screens are that sensitive then the fraud goes on.
Mary V.
2004-11-02 - 12:09:26

Machine switched my vote!
I use a keyboard often, but today while voting, my machine chose Bush when I chose Kerry. I did see the switch right away and corrected it before casting my final vote. The machine was almost quicker than I was, I hope the older people do not have the same problem. Jan
Jan Dongarra
2004-11-02 - 15:45:11

She went to Valle Del Norte Community Center in Albuquerque, planning to vote for John Kerry. "I pushed his name, but a green check mark appeared before President Bush's name," she said.
Griffith erased the vote by touching the check mark at Bush's name. That's how a voter can alter a touch-screen ballot.
She again tried to vote for Kerry, but the screen again said she had voted for Bush. The third time, the screen agreed that her vote should go to Kerry.
She faced the same problem repeatedly as she filled out the rest of the ballot. On one item, "I had to vote five or six times," she said.

Michael Cadigan, president of the Albuquerque City Council, had a similar experience when he voted at City Hall.
"I cast my vote for president. I voted for Kerry and a check mark for Bush appeared," he said.
He reported the problem immediately and was shown how to alter the ballot.
Cadigan said he doesn't think he made a mistake the first time. "I was extremely careful to accurately touch the button for my choice for president," but the check mark appeared by the wrong name, he said.

County Responds to Voting Machine Problems
One of the earliest examples of e-voting 'problems'. In Austin, Texas, the home of the eSlate voting machine, Democratic voters are finding their presidential choice 'accidentally' changed from Kerry to Bush. 'Accidentally'. Republican election officials concluded it was 'voter error'.
Travis County election officials have responded to complaints that voters casting straight-party Democratic ballots are discovering, when performing a final check of their ballots, that their votes for president have been changed from Kerry/Edwards to Bush/Cheney. The officials say that, after trying and failing to replicate the problem on its eSlate voting machines, they have concluded the vote changes are due to voter error rather than mechanical failure.

Gail Fisher, manager of the county's Elections Division, theorizes that after selecting their straight party vote, some voters are going to the next page on the electronic ballot and pressing "enter," perhaps thinking they are pressing "cast ballot" or "next page." Since the Bush/Cheney ticket is the first thing on the page, it is highlighted when the page comes up – and thus, pressing "enter" at that moment causes the Kerry/Edwards vote to be changed to Bush/Cheney.

I don't know, but if it was me and I was used to using computers, I'd think that after making your selection you had to press 'enter', wouldn't you? But apparently you don't, and if you do, you change your vote. This is either deliberate fraud or inept design (funny how either of those somehow always leads to a Republican vote, isn't it? How come voting machines never screw up favoring the Democrats? Just luck, you think?).

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